Lead Tech’s has developed patented commercial solutions to display correct spatial lead on moving targets in AR and VR. This solution can be used to train in VR on any moving target. It can be deployed in digital optics to AR display the aim point on a fast moving target.
CLAZER is a VR moving target aiming simulator that we designed to turn beginners into clay sports shooting enthusiasts. Read the reviews, and see where you’ve been missing
Lead Tech’s patented method of teaching correct lead is available as CLAZER VR SKEET, CLAZER VR TRAP and CLAZER VR CLAYS
CLAZER is now available on Steam VR for HTC Vive or Oculus Rift .
We recommend the HTC Vive rig since it will support our gun controller.
Here’s what you need:
1. Gaming Computer
PC to run virtual reality games and a Virtual Reality system
HTC Vive VR hardware and compatible PC since it will support the use of your own gun as the VR controller
A guide to setting up the HTC Vive system is here.
Oculus Rift – works great if you do not intend to play CLAZER using your shotgun
2. Software
CLAZER software for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift can be downloaded on the Steam VR online store
CLAZER software is also available on the Oculus Rift site
3. Vive Tracker
Get a Vive Tracker and mount it to your own shotgun
4. Gun Controller Bracket and Trigger
Order a bracket to attach the Vive Tracker to your own shotgun
Unlike other shooting simulators, Lead Tech recreates the true scale of shooting skeet, trap, sporting clays and game by providing the shooter with a visual aide of the correct lead in each shooting situation via a DayGlo green Phantom Clay in front of the clay. What you see on the Lead Tech simulation is what you would see at the range or in the field, at the true scale and perspective. Meaning the scene is the same, the gun movement is the same and the angular lead is the same as at the range or in the field.
The correct lead on each shot is represented by a Lead Tech’s Phantom Clay tm , a green clay in front of the orange clay in skeet, trap or sporting clays. The shot pattern and ballistics are simulated based on the distance to the target. A shot is registered with the VR motion tracking software. If the shooter hits the Phantom Clay, the orange clays breaks and that counts as a hit. Repetitive practice teaches visual memory of correct ballistic lead – at true scale, speed and perspective.
The Lead Tech simulator teaches by positive reinforcement – it gives the shooter something to point at – the Phantom Clay. This prepares the beginning shooter for the range or field and sharpens the advanced shooters skills indoors and during the off-season.
Once the shooter becomes proficient at hitting the Phantom Clay, the Phantom can be turned off, leaving an invisible “hot spot” where it was. When this hot spot is hit by the Virtual Reality gun, that registers as a hit. The user reinforces correct lead without seeing the Phantom Clay, as at the range.
CLAZER can transform video gamers into clay sports shooting enthusiasts, as this Power Point explains.
These screen shots and video clips will give you a 2D look at how Clazer works. You have to see it in 3D VR to believe how good it is.
Here’s a screen shot of a prototype of Lead Tech in action. This is Station 2 from the low tower at right, the green clay is the Phantom showing the correct lead in front of the real orange clay:
Lead Tech’s patented method of teaching correct lead is available as CLAZER VR SKEET, CLAZER VR TRAP and CLAZER VR CLAYS
Check out a whole new way to learn correct spatial lead on moving targets . . . .